Download Customized Carrington Mobile Theme For WordPress Mobile Site by Syntocode

Download Customized Carrington Mobile Theme For WordPress Mobile Site by Syntocode

Carrington Mobile Theme For WordPress is the most common mobile theme used by Nigerian blogs, sometimes last year, I wrote a detailed tutorial on how to manipulate/customize Carrington mobile theme for wordpress here, I believe many found it really useful as I got a lot of feedbacks and comments. Based on the requests I got, I decided to play around the theme, gave it a face lift. A demo is running here or checkout the screenshots below. You can follow the instructions in my previous post to install and customize the template further but if you’re stucked at any point u can always drop a comment here. I’ll be glad to help 🙂

Why Carrington theme is the best for blogs?

  • It has a simple and clean look.
  • Because it doesn’t show much details, it loads very fast which is good for SEO (I went further to optimize this version to load even faster)
  • It is easy to customize (your PHP & CSS knowledge is the only limit u
  • It’s free to use 😀

A copy of the template is live on this website(click here), Here are screenshots of what the template looks like after customization.

screenshotcustomized carrington mobile theme2customized carrington mobile theme3customized carrington mobile theme4

Download Customized Carrington Mobile theme (without featured image on homepage) here .


Download Customized Carrington Mobile theme (with featured image on homepage) here .


How to Increase the Number of Posts on Carrington Homepage

To increase the number of posts on Carrington homepage (or wordpress homepage generally),

I hope you like it! Kindly suggest what you think I should add/remove via comment. Spread d good news, Share with friends 🙂

PS: If you need a custom solutions, custom design/template for your website, you can hire me here

Thanks & God Bless 🙂


  1. The Theme is dope but how can i enlarge the feature image??

  2. Jackson Fred

    Thanks man for your post, but am having issues oh, which free how can I use and install wordpress in it??

  3. This one na my best theme, I have even recoded my own to my teste, so i no get anything to worry not only for 116674

  4. Please tomisin, after installing my the plugin… How do i change the weight of all my font. All the text of my post and every font on my blog is bold making it hard to read sometimes. Why is it link that and how to i make them show normally?

  5. the one with image is undownloaded, i’ve tried several browsers

  6. Thank you so much syntocode. This theme has helped my blog www. amebobc. com. Now I have a mature blog. Thanks man keep up the good work.

  7. hello i just install carrinton on my blog and it works fine but not showing my post on home page and all categories only showing recent posts and pages.

    • Hello Lawal,

      To rectify this, login to your dashboard, under settings select reading, under Front page displays select your latest posts

      that should fix it

  8. matino

    How can I increase the number of post in my home page

  9. Matino

    Thanks man for the customized theme, but am having issues inserting my logo

  10. daniel Uti

    thanks a bunch for this nicely customized theme. I personally appreciate your previous post on it as well.

  11. Ola TGF

    Interface looks good. You could still do better tho.

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