How to Transfer Files Online Between 2 Cloud Services Using Mover

How to Transfer Files Online Between 2 Cloud Services Using Mover

Necessity is the mother of invention and like wise the father of discovery, I discovered Mover online file transfer service months ago when i was trying to transfer some large files from a dropbox account to my client’s Web server. Mover transfer act as an intermediary between various cloud technologies (be it dropbox, google drive, Web Server (FTP), bitacasa, Amazon S3, box etc) and helps you transfer your files from any cloud service to another. Take for example, you want to move your website from 1-host-to-another or you have some files in your dropbox account and you want it copied to your Google drive or Bitcasa or your Website server (FTP) etc, you can easily do this with Mover File transfer service. It is also interesting to know that Mover supports almost all the popular Cloud service provider out there. With cloud computing gaining more popularity on daily basis, i see Mover’s File transfer service of immense benefit to internet users.

I found Mover’s service very useful; in this writeup i’m going to share with you the simple steps in creating a Mover account (which comes with 2GB free file transfer) and how to transfer your files with their service. I hope you’ll be kind enough to share this with a friend by making use of the share buttons at the end of this post :).

How to transfer files online using Mover

  1. Create an account on, Select the appropriate plan applicable to you i.e personal or business (Your free account comes with 2GB of free data transfer)
  2. Select Migration (Mover also offer backup services but in this guide is for migration)mover 1
  3. A confirmation mail will be sent to your email, check your inbox and confirm your account. After confirming your account, Log in to your mover account.
  4. Click select Source (Source is the location of the files you would to move, in this guide i will be moving a file from my dropbox account (source) to my ftp server (destination)
  5. After clicking source, a Window should pop up, Click “+New” to add a new connector ( Connector is your cloud storage service provider e.g Dropbox, google drive, FTP etc)mover
  6. You will see the list of supported connectors, Click on your choice (in this guide am selecting dropbox)Transfer Files Online
  7. After choosing Dropbox as the source connector click next, you will have to name it and click “add Connector”mover 2
  8. A new window will open and you will then be prompted to log in to your Dropbox account, Enter your login details and sign in.mover dropbox
  9. Next, you will have to authorize Mover to access your Dropbox account. Click on allowmover dropbox2
  10. You will now be able to see your Dropbox files in the transfer wizard.
  11.  Next you will have to set up your destination connector using similar steps we used for the source. Click “select destination”  (Destination is where you want to copy your files to, in this guide i will be moving a file from my dropbox account (source) to my ftp server (destination).
  12. After selecting Destination, a Window will pop up, Click “+New” to add a new connector ( Connector is your cloud storage service provider).
  13. You will see the list of supported connectors, Click on your choice (in this guide am selecting FTP) Transfer Files Online
  14. After choosing FTP as the destination connector, you will then be asked to fill out your FTP account information.
    Complete the form and press ‘Add This Connector’.mover ftp2
  15. You should see the transfer wizard which will show the connector on the right side indicating that FTP is now your chosen destination.
  16. Now that successfully setup both connectors, Next you may select the source and destination folders, You can also create a new destination folder by clicking the Create a New Folder icon . Then you can start your transfer immediately or schedule it for later. (In this guide, i’m transferring immediately)moverrr
  17. Click “Transfer Now”  a confirmation window should pop up displaying both the source and destination directories. Click “Run this transfer now”.mover ftp22
  18. Once the transfer starts, the Transfer Log will show the status of the file transfer. Click on the refresh icon to update the status. A confirmation message will be sent to you once transfer is completed.
  19. Hurray!! You have successfully transferred your files from your Dropbox into your FTP account!

OVER TO U: Do u know any easier or faster way of transferring files online, kindly share with me via comment, i would love to add it to my list

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