6 Xmas WordPress Plugins to Give your Website or Blog a Beautiful Christmas Look

6 Xmas WordPress Plugins to Give your Website or Blog a Beautiful Christmas Look

As the year is running to an end and Christmas is fast approaching, wont it be lovely if your blog or website usher in the Christmas season by putting on a Holiday look? Below are some of my favorite Xmas WordPress plugin to help change the look of your site and welcome the Christmas atmosphere. Am using few of them on this blog, you can choose from the list below or add to the list.


Christmas Ball on Branch. This Plugin adds a beautiful animated  Christmas Bauble on a branch to a corner of your site/blog. Here is a video preview (Demo)

xmas wordpress plugin


Xmas Lights. This plugin Adds a colorful animated Christmas lights to the top of your site to warm your visitor’s heart. (Checkout the Demo)

xmas light

Merry Christmas Everyone I love this wordpress plugin much, it makes your site/blog lively by  showing a cute Santa flying, falling and sliding all over your site with colorful balloons following your visitors every where they go..lol [Check Out Demo]

xmas wordpress plugin


Holiday Message. Holiday message allows you to add a pop up message and choose a holiday graphic to appear at the top or bottom of your website. You can choose a to add a countdown or a cute snowfall effect. [Check out Demo]

xmas greetings


Christmas Countdown Clock. This wordpress plugin allows you to display a Christmas countdown clock. You can choose between several animation, design and styles. [Check out Demo]

xmas count down


My Christmas Calendar. Allows you to add beautiful calender on your blog post with a simple shortcode permitting you to adjust the height, width, border color to suite your taste.

xmas calendar


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