WordPress 4.0 is Here: What’s New and How to Upgrade

WordPress 4.0 is Here: What’s New and How to Upgrade

The much anticipated WordPress 4.0 was released 2 days ago. This version was named “Benny” in honor of Benny Goodman . In this post I’ll highlight the basic features that version 4.0 brings.

The media gallery now has a new grid view; this new and improved view allows you to see your media files in grid which makes managing files much easier and faster. With the new view, when you click a media file you get a pop up window which shows a bigger preview, easily navigate and edit media files without leaving the page.

wordpress-4.0 media grid

A much better support for embeds; embedding has now become a visual experience, paste a YouTube video url in the visual editor and preview it immediately. Same thing goes for a tweet.

A cooler plugin installation experience;  the new WordPress 4.0 plugin installation interface allows to browse plugins in a grid view which shows thumbnail, description, ratings, total downloads etc.



Other noteworthy features include;

  • WordPress 4.0 allows you to Choose your desired language on installation (you can also change the language of an existing installation by going to Settings>General, at the bottom of the page you should see site language option).

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  • New widget customizer panel.
  • Improved content editor.
  • New accessibility features
  • Improved TinyMCE views
  • Updated external libraries viz: TinyMCE 4.1.3, jQuery 1.11.1, MediaElement 2.15

To update to WordPress 4.0 click on the update notification link (Please update now) at the top left hand side of your dashboard, Ensure you perform a BACKUP before upgrading. 


Over to you, what do you like about this new version?

Happy Blogging & Happy Development with WordPress 4.0



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