All Your News In One Piece – Google Launches Google Play Newsstand

Few days ago Google launched its Google play news stand ( from android. This news application came about from the combination of the Google Play magazine and Google currents to serve as a one stop hub.

The Google play magazine was a magazine store and reading experience while the Google current was a flip board style app that gave out curated news experience from different sources. When Google announced the demise of Google reader this year, initially no replacement was announced it seems very much likely that the Google newsstand is here to stay.

Over the next few days users with the old Google play magazine apps in the UK, US, Canada, Australia were automatically upgraded to the newsstand app while users in others countries can upgrade by downloading the new app and their old news sources will be transferred automatically.

The Google play newsstand features about 1900 free and paid publications with selections from news sites that have partnered Google. Sites like Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Wired, etc. Google claims the more you use the app the more it tailors your preference according to the stories and sources you prefer.

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There are claims that RSS feeds couldn’t be added manually By copying the entire RSS feed URL and pasting it into the search box in Newsstand, you can find a box you can add under Feeds ( Thanks to the boys from LifeHacker for the tip).

An insider in apple claims that the Google play newsstand app will be made available on iPads and iPhones by 2014, though this app has to rival the apple’s own built-in newsstand. THE Major difference between the Google Play Newsstand and the Current apple newsstand is that; the app by apple does not have a way of pooling news stories from all the different apps that are available in the newsstand.

So what do you think about his app? Impressive or not


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