Twitter Analytics: How Many People Read Your Tweets? This is How To Know

twitter analytics

twitter analyticsSometimes in July, Twitter Analytics was launched but was made available to Advertisers and verified users only. Twitter analytics dashboard allows you to know and measure the performance of every tweet you sent, performance such as; how many people saw your tweet, how many people clicked on your links?

The good news is that you too can now access this feature. Twitter analytics is now open to everyone with a Twitter account that is at least 2 weeks old. You can access your newly unlocked analytics dashboard by clicking here.

The new dashboard includes data like total impressions, total engagements (replies retweets, favourites) and engagement rates for each tweet, and also aggregates that data for the past month, showing you how you’ve been doing compared to past months. It’s sure a good tool for both advertisers and publishers.

Hey! i kinda like this new feature, kinda similar to Google analytics. Do you?

Are you having issues or your twitter analytics isn’t working? You can drop a comment below.


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