Top 3 Free Tools to Track Twitter UnFollowers

Tweeting starts to be fun when you get caught up on the social media network. Twitter from the eyes of a teen or adults who love the micro blogging site knows it’s more fun to have more followers and if you are following a lot of tweeps. When your followers starts growing into thousands or more; it’s not easy to keep track of the number of unfollowing, followers and followings (especially those who follow you to unfollow you).

Here are some free tools to help you keep track Twitter unfollowers and followers.

1) ManageFlitter

Track Twitter UnFollowers

ManageFlitter ( is arguably the most sophisticated tool for managing twitter following and un-followers. To access this tool all you need do is connect your twitter account with manageflitter. Once the authorization process is done, it shows you the number of people not following you back. The tool allows you to categorise your followers and unfollowers on the basis of:

  • No profile image (users with default profile image)
  • Influence (Is the user influential or not)
  • Fake or Spam
  • Inactive users (Users who rarely tweet)

Manageflitter has a limit of 100 unfollows daily unless you opt for the pro version (paid version) which allows more unfollows. Other features contained are;

  • Tweet scheduling.
  • A twitter bio bank – where you can search for other cool tweeps to follow.
  • Social Media Analytics. (Paid Version)

MUST READ: How i got 11000 Twitter Followers for Free in Less than 2 days

2) Just Unfollow


Justunfollow ( is another cool tool to manage your twitter followers, un-followers and other activities. Justunfollow needs no signing up; all you need do is connecting your twitter account. It offers the following features and more:

  • Know your recent followers and unfollowers.
  • Blacklist or white list a user
  • Keyword followers (Allows you to follow users based on a keyword set in their bios)
  • Copy followers (Option to follow the followers of a competitor or fellow user)

The daily limit for the free option of this tool is 25 follows/un-follows while you can blacklist /white list 50 tweep daily. For the no limit features you could opt for the paid option.

PS: justunfollow also allows Instagram users to use the same features. All you need do is sign in with your Instagram details.


unfollowers.me_ is another tool recommended for monitoring followers and those who you follow on twitter. Like justunfollow, Instagram users can also make use of this tool. Features of this tool include:

  • Fake profiles.
  • Mutual followback
  • Recent followers and unfollowers.
  • People not following back
  • Inactive profiles

The free option comes with some restricted limits and advertisements, while the paid option rids you of any advertisement, limits as well as other features.

The tools listed above are not the only tools available for tracking followers and unfollowers but they have served their purposes for a long time. Also, there are some similar tools worthy of mention. They are, and Tweepi.

For a while now here are the tools I use to sanitize my twitter account. Do you have any tool you use? Do let me know through the comment box. While you do that you can follow me on twitter, I tweet from the handle @olasot.


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